
New Land

As of yesterday, West Special School officially owns more land. This is a huge step in the progress of the project, and we are so thankful that land was available near the current school site. James reckons that the piece of land is 4 to 5 acres. In the near future we hope to begin planting crops on part of the land to create an income and food supply for the school. Additionally, after the dorm is well on its way to completion, we hope to build workshops for the children to learn how to build, sew, cook, garden, weld, etc. In creating an educational foundation built upon the love of Jesus Christ, we hope to introduce practical skills to these children in order that they would be best equipped to live in a culture where the social norms are to look down upon the mentally disabled and the hearing impaired. There is purpose and hope for these lovely children, and we are blessed to be a part of their lives.

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