
Water Update.

Email form 25th Feb - Sent from Susan Cliburn (Missions on the Move)...

"I just got off the phone with Jeff. The ground at the school seems to be to hard. They were only able to get down 6' after drilling all day. Please pray for the Lord to give direction and insight for the decisions that must follow! They (everyone) have decided that water is a priority. The monies that we were sending for land might have to go towards water the goal is still both! We serve a great and mighty God who is able to do more than we could ask or imagine.. So please pray for the impossible...for with God all things are possible!!!"

Email from 28th Feb - Sent from Susan...

"Things are going better today! They are continuing to dig for water and have gone past the hardpack. They will continue to dig throughout the night. They were able to get the rocks and the foundation should be finished tomorrow. The engineer was on sight today and was pleased to see Jeff. They would like to get the floor finished before he has to leave. Wycliffe has not approached the neighbor again about land but might try before Jeff & Tim leave."


February News

On Monday Jeff and Tim, from Missions on the Move, will be Kenya-bound. There have been many generous givers in Canada for which reason Jeff and Tim are able to make a visit to West. During there visit they will begin the water project. We don't know what will come of this, but we are asking God to give us water. Essentially they will begin drilling into the earth to find any water that could eventually become the main source for the school. Additionally, Jeff and Tim will be delivering and overseeing the funds to lay the foundation for the on-site house. Once this building is complete, Wycliffe (Kutete) and Evelyn will have a home nearer to all the children making life more convenient for them and the students. Then we can begin building the dormitory project, [hopefully this summer]. Pray for Jeff and Tim as the travel. Pray for water. Pray for a quick completion for the on-site house.