This has not specifically become a project about the children, or the leaders, or Africa, or against corruption, or for something 'good' to do but rather it is about the very heart of Jesus Christ.
Whether this project becomes a flop or not or even a dead end in the weeks to come it is not without the fight for His heart. To sit around and only pray for such afflictions is to contradict our faith that we claim to hold onto. Faith without deeds is dead. Deeds without faith is pointless. May we reminds ourselves never to pray a prayer for which we are not willing to be the answer to. I am not saying not to pray but only be aware of the contradictions of a prayer.
What if I was to ask you to pray for this project? Would you be able to pray such a prayer with the knowledge that God might even ask you to do something about it?
Would you join us please in praying for the glory of God to be displayed here? That, friends, is a dangerous prayer.
West Special School may become a glorious reality.
Let me help you to more specific...
We need more money to do it.
We need administration.
We need willing hearts.
We need hearts.
Please don't waste your breathe and tell those involved to stop and move onto something more thought out and planned with a whole lot more comfort and less need for faith. If it is not built then it will never be a failure. The failure would be to stop trying, like so many on the road so far. The day they lost of fight was the day that they failed. God is looking right into the depths of our hearts not at what we do. He simply wants us to let go and be at one with Him.
Maybe in God's perspective, the most important perspective, He looks at things differently to us. Where are our hearts? Who do we fight for?
Ingrained in the Word of God's history we see it (Isaiah 58 - give it a read) and then in the revelation of the Son we are shown a true compassion.
Are you praying?
"Justice denied anywhere diminishes justice everywhere".
Thank you for posting. I don't ever want to stop pursing this, never giving up.