
September 2012 - The Schoolhouse

We continue to be amazed at what God has done for us at West Special School. Remember that many said it would never happen? Well, it appears God had other plans, plan that exceeded what anyone had dreamed. It is with this sense of awe and reverence we have the pleasure of announcing that the new Schoolhouse is being lived in.

The house itself has been under construction for the last 6 months or so. We have been given enough funds over the last few months and weeks to finish the building work off. Although the Schoolhouse, something more resembling a castle, is not finished through and through it is still enough to be inhabited. The walls still need painting, a few doors need to be put on and a few more windows need glass in them. These are important and will be added within the next or so when the funds arrive in Kenya.

Personally, I can see that Schoolhouse to be an important milestone for the school. It means that the leadership, Kutete and Evelyne, can now live on the site. It also means that the most desperate children will have a place to live, and are not required to run the daily gauntlet two a day on the way to school. I can imagine a sense of safety has invaded their young and impressionable lives.

Next on the agenda is the completion of the dormitory. This we began during the summer months and have done little in the way of construction since the Schoolhouse has demanded the attention of those concerned. But now, since the Schoolhouse is nearing the completion of the finishing touches we can now turn our eyes to the dormitory. With the donation already given we can expect to have the building finished fairly quickly. It has been difficult to estimate the costs involved (due to the fluctuating economy), which is why we must be wise in how we spend the donated money.

We all must now turn our affections towards God. We must remember to give our thanksgiving, as it is deservedly due. With this thanks we look to the coming months and weeks. We again, ask for blessing and to see work that amazes us all. The world must stop and take a look at West Special School for just a moment. Look and see that the God of the universe is undeniably and unashamedly concerned with those precious children, and for that very reason we will continue the pursuit.