
February 2013

Pictured above: Anett

If you purchased a 2013 West Special School calendar (American version) you will find this photo on the February page. Anett is a very sweet young lady in her mid-teens. When she was three years old her mother discovered an issue with her hearing. She is not completely deaf, but does struggle to hear the majority of the time. She also has other mental and physical challenges to due family health history. She is a joy to have a West; her smile brings great happiness wherever she goes. 


January 2013

Left to right: Cynthia, Kevin, Francis, Dan, Brenda, Marion, Timothy

If you purchased a 2013 West Special School calendar (American version) you will find this photo on the January page. Pictured above are seven students sitting outside one of the classrooms enjoying their delicious lunch of ugali (corn meal) and sukuma wiki (local greens). Remember them in your prayers as the students begin a new year of learning and growing.