
The Tremendous Trio.

West Special School would cease to exist if it weren't for God's hands holding it together. Additionally, West Special School would cease to serve the children of Chwele if it weren't for The Tremendous Trio.

Individually, these unique people play necessary roles in the daily out-workings and overall progression of the school. Evelyn is the ultimate mother-figure to all of the children. Her heart floods with compassion for the students, which drives her to become the greatest teacher, mother, and care-giver she can be. Job and Kutete oversee the entire project, including the construction and management of what occurs on the site. They each fulfill the leadership roles that are necessary in order for West to function properly. Furthermore, Job, the local pastor, cares for the well-being of the children and ensures they each receive what they need (i.e. food, water, a home, a school, a dorm). Kutete's legal and administrative skills allow the children to have certain rights including good living conditions and a chance at being incorporated back into the community.

Collectively, they create the world's greatest and most effective team. I, Quincie, am stunned and often speechless at how steadfast and committed The Tremendous Trio are. In addition to such a team as the Trio, there are countless others who provide support and concern for West. The teachers, the builders, the cooks, and the community all bear up under and serve as pillars of devout defenders, and I can't imagine how West would be without them.

To our English and North American supports: thank you for taking part in the Lord's work in Chwele. Without your hands, your hearts, your generosity, and your time, West Special School would cease to progress into a hopeful future for many lovely children. "We have confidence that one day, Chwele would be the home to a thriving village of deaf and disabled Kenyans." -James


The Building...

In preparation for the construction of the dormitory we need to build an on-site house. This will allow the team in Kenya to have somewhere to live that is extremely close to the school. It will provide as a house, administration center and place for any visitors to stay. Once this is complete we will be all set to build the dormitory, a place for the children that is over-seen by this house.

Kutete kindly sent us some photos with the latest updates of the building progress:

This is King Kutete:

View of the front of the house:

Man working inside:

Good progress so far:

Some good workers and The Kutete assessing the work:

Keep going!


Thank you 'Man and Wife'

Everyone involved with West Special School in Kenya, USA and UK requests that you please go visit:


and buy a CD for two very good reasons...

1. The music is fantastic. It really is.

2. Out of the $7 it costs to buy each CD, $2 goes to West Special School!!!


Early March.

I (James) was surprised yesterday to receive a call from Kenya from Jeff who has been out there for the last couple of weeks or so. Jeff was accompanied by a fellow board member, Tim, and seemed in great spirits. The plans to reach water had to take a few twists and turns but the new method of 'local digging' seems to be what will work. We will be sure to update you all on the happenings.

Everyone involved with West has been really encouraged. Many people from all different parts of the world have been donating, praying and supporting in any way they can. Of course, there is team in Canada, Missions on the Move, working furiously away on administration and raising funds. In the US this week we received a huge donation that looks to be enough to really get the dormitory on the way to completion. In the UK, particularly at my home church I have heard all kinds of wonderful plans to raise money. I am constantly moved by the stories I hear through my dad of people sacrificing what they have to make the love of Jesus made known to people so far from home with so little. I can't wait to get home and personally thank (on behalf of West) these people, young and old for their sacrifice. I wish there was more we could do but I will leave that reward to Father, one day.