With so much there is still a long way to go. There will be many more sacrifices, big and small, to be made this side of the project (and by 'this side' I mean the rich side). The needs of the children at West Special School and of those hoping to attend are still urgently present. They all need food everyday and a place to live. We are ever more hopeful that these will become a reality in due course.
Quincie and myself (James) were able to talk to our church, BRBC, last Sunday evening to present the project to the church. We are yet to hear of the response of the church as a whole but certainly a few individuals have helped us out a lot, and their generosity will not go unnoticed when the Lord questions what they did with their 'treasure'.
We could say so much more but as always we're in the middle of a process, a process of seeing the love of Jesus become reality before our eyes. We hope and pray that as the world looks on at the lives of those involved they don't see us making a treasure empty things. We want a watching world to see Jesus as treasure. All things have been given to us to use in such a way that it is plain to the world that the things of the world are not treasure, but rather Christ is.